Purpose: To provide efficient and effective strategic support services to the whole Department regarding Human Resources, Communication, Legal Services, Information Technology and Telecommunication, Security and Auxiliary Services
Sub-Programmes: Office of the HODPurpose: The Office of the Head of Department is responsible for the provision of strategic leadership, Risk and Integrity management, Internal Audit, Strategic Planning, Intergovernmental Relations, Administration and effective management of the Department’s programmes and Public Entities in order to fulfil its mandate.
Central to the functions of the HOD’s office is provision of the oversight responsibility for the implementation of the Department’s programmes and the related public entities, key strategic interventions and flagship projects. The office is also responsible for the fostering and maintaining of strategic partnerships and relations outside and within the province that will make a positive contribution towards the economic growth of the province.
Sub-Programme: Risk and Integrity ManagementPurpose: The Risk and Integrity Management unit seeks to measure whether the department is effectively managing and mitigating risks that have been identified in the Department. It also aims at managing and facilitating ethics and integrity management within the department with an aim of promoting ethical conduct and fraud prevention through awareness initiatives.
Sub-Programme: Internal AuditPurpose: The Internal audit unit provide an independent and objective assurance and consulting service designed to add value and improve department’s operations. The objective of the internal audit function is to assist the management in fulfilling their duties and meeting their responsibilities. It supports the overall strategy of the department by providing independent and objective assurance on the internal control system. This will ensure that the department is able to obtain reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of the objectives in the following categories:
Purpose: To provide efficient and effective strategic support services to the whole Department regarding Human Resources, Communication, Legal Services, Information Technology and Telecommunication, Security and Auxiliary Services.
Sub-Programme: Human Resource ManagementPurpose: To plan and manage human resources of the department in order to achieve strategic and operational objectives. This will be realised through cultivating a culture that appreciates diversity, strengthens capacity and ensures human resource efficacy.
Sub-Programme: Legal ServicesPurpose: To provide effective and timeous legal services.
Sub-Programme: Information Technology & Telecommunication ServicesPurpose: To provide Information Technology services and telecommunications to the department:
Purpose: To manage security and auxiliary services of the Department
Sub-Programme: Communication and Marketing ServicesPurpose: The Directorate provides internal and external communication and branding of the Department to ensure that their programmes are known and accessible to the broader community.
Sub-Programme: Financial ManagementPurpose: The purpose of the sub-programme is to ensure the effective implementation of the PFMA and other related financial regulations and policies. The financial management unit, which manages the financial aspects of each the sub-programmes, oversees the full financial cycle of budgeting, procurement, processing of expenditure, and recording of financial transactions. For the upcoming MTEF period, the Department will focus on three key administration indicators. These indicators are aligned to the strengthening of the Department’s human resources, improving the audit opinion as well as risk management and fraud prevention initiatives.