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  • 19 Apr

Office of the MEC

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About the MECs

The Premier appoints the Members of the Executive Council (MECs) from among the MPLs. There may be up to ten MECs in each province. (The exception is the Western Cape whose provincial Constitution allows for the additional appointment of up to two non-voting MECs from outside the Legislature.)

Responsibilities of MECs

MECs are accountable to their Premiers. Like Ministers, MECs are responsible for departments. These provincial departments deal only with those matters that provinces are allowed to control or those over which they share control with the national government.

There is still no formal structure to facilitate intergovernmental relations between the national and provincial executive. Ministers and MECs do meet informally, however, in what is known as MINMEC. This is a meeting between the Minister and the nine provincial MECs who deal with the same portfolio. MINMEC plays a meaningful role in the process of co-operative government.

Functions of the Office of the MEC:
  • Manage and coordinate matters emanating from Parliament and other legislative structures.
  • Manage the administrative activities in the office of the EA.
  • Provide direct secretarial support to the MEC.
  • Provide secretarial support and community outreach service to the MEC.
  • Provide media liaison and communication support to the MEC.